Saturday, December 30, 2006


A very special thanks to Dan Bush for being a great friend and getting this site up and running for me without my knowledge out of the goodness of his heart. Also, thanks to my family and friends for supporting this journey and this decision. I know it was hard for some to watch me leave, but no one tried to talk me out of it, understanding that if I did not do this, I would regret it for the rest of my life. And I thank you for that. You will all be in my thoughts throughout all my exploring.

Many of the posts may not connect to one another. Some may be unclear and ambiguous, some may be funny, some may be me simply venting my thoughts. But hopefully you will find some of it interesting, and will follow along with me on my journey. Please send the link along to anyone you know who you think might be interested in reading this:

Thanks for your support, your gifts, your words of kindness and inspiration. I hope this is everything I hope it will be, whatever the hell that means or might involve.



Fighting Bees said...

Just promise me that you will get me a) a jager machine, or b) a golf cart when your book becomes huge.

Good luck!

Mom said...

As though you haven't heard it all before,be careful, stay safe, have fun,learn a lot, I love you.

Michael Saxton said...

May your endeavor lead you to where you are destined.

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."

Henry David Thoreau

Unknown said...

Hi're gonna have such a great time! Come see me soon and listen to your mother- be safe! Oh yeah, Happy New Years too!!! :-)

WDrehs said...

If there's anyone who can pull this off Brian, it's you. You have an incredible way with people and I can't way to see where that electric personality takes you (literally). Just make sure you keep this thing updated -- REGULARLY -- so we can come along for the ride each and every step of the way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

This is Lindsay Petterson (Ryan's sister). He told me to check out your I did. Basically, my 15 minute "quick" lunch at work turned into an hour and a half of reading about your VERY intriguing trip adventure. Love the pics too. I looked at the clock & panicked, almost missed my 2:00 meeting. Well, anyways just thought I'd tell you I really enjoyed reading your stuff. You've got a serious talent with writing (I'm sure you've been told that). Ryan's partying in South Padre for his last spring break ever right how (your trip is MUCH BETTER)LOL
Stay safe, take care

~Lindsay (Des Moines, IA)