I've been on the road for one month now. Here's a summary of my trip thus far:
-I've slept in 15 different places in 13 different cities.
-I've been in 20 states: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California.
-I've spent one fifth of my bank account. I did make $100 when I sold my car in Las Vegas, and I also earned a free lunch when I swallowed an entire chunk of wasabi at a sushi restaurant.
-I've driven 4,000 miles, taken three buses, three trains, a handful of cabs, and one flight.
-I've purchased two material things: A pair of sunglasses to replace the pair that fell off the mountain in Utah, and a pair of gloves for $2.99 at Old Navy that I threw in the garbage after a day of snowboarding because they actually made my hands colder. Also, when I would put them on, it felt like they were on the wrong hand. Good riddance.
-I started off my trip with a carload of stuff. I'm now down to one bursting-at-the-seems suitcase, a backpack with a few books and a computer, and my guitar.
Thanks, and wish me luck on another adventure-filled month.
Iowa shouldn't count! ;-)
Brian, I found your page today and I am addicted. I am really inspired by your journey. Best of luck and remember, "Hard things are put in our way not to stop us, but to call out our courage and our strength."
And if you find yourself in Oxford, England, I can probably find you someplace to stay.
Brian you're not alone at looking at your page - and if you are ever in Wisconsin well i can get you some free grub, well at least milk and cheese - the Best Around!
Trip...don't deny it...
I see that you went to the states surrounding kentucky, without actually entering it. I think you should go back and cover what you missed.
Also, something alarming. It seems that every state you step foot in becomes Republican.
Think about it.
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